Saturday, September 14, 2013

Steve Miller's Music With Mary Oliver's Poetry

Immediately after hitting the stop button on the recorder after reciting the poem, I said to my 20-year-old son "I'm going to mash this poem with Wild Mountain Honey by Steve Miller."  He said that the poem could stand by itself, and while he is entirely correct, he couldn't stop me from hearing it in my mind's ear.

Is Mary Oliver the only poet to talk about bees "rumbling?"  Doesn't a poem with bees in it go along with a song with honey in the title?  It does in my world.  Wild Mountain Honey is a song about the glory of dropping out, letting the voodoos of ambition sleep.

Come on papa
Your end is the means
Don't trade your love and goodness
For the golden machine
You run for the money
You don't even know about wild mountain honey

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What's Going On Here?

Pretty much what the tagline says. I'm reciting poems I like, and making mashups of poems I like with the music for which my ear hungers when I read and think of these poems. It is my sincere hope that other lovers of these poems will do likewise.